Saturday, June 16, 2007

What does God want us to do with our lives?

What do you think?

I believe that each of us should be loving God and loving people as much as we can. I guess that's another way to reword the two greatest commands: love God and love your neighbour with everything you have (ie, mind, soul, heart, strength).

I believe love is God-guided action. Unhurried things like having quiet times with God and walking in step with the Spirit--along with balance and grace--are also part of the equation.

Another keyword is vision. I think God-sized vision, coupled with realistic-expectation and hope-filled action, is the best frame of mind from which to ask the question by which this post is titled.

As I consider the future myself and ask prayerfully, "What is the best thing to do?", I would appreciate your prayer.

Prayer. When it comes to life--these years we have--I don't think we have much hope without it. Life is as meaningful as prayer is real.
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